.:: منتديات جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري ::.
أهلاً وسهلاً وألف مرحباً بك عزيزي الزائر في منتديات جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري تفضل بالدخول ان كنت عضواً والاعليك التسجيل لكي تملك كافة صلاحية الاعضاء وتمتلك الرخصة في اضافة مواضيع جديدة او الرد علي مواضيع وهنالك المكنون فقط للمسجلين فسارع بالانضمام الينا كي تحظي بما أخفي لك ...
.:: منتديات جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري ::.
أهلاً وسهلاً وألف مرحباً بك عزيزي الزائر في منتديات جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري تفضل بالدخول ان كنت عضواً والاعليك التسجيل لكي تملك كافة صلاحية الاعضاء وتمتلك الرخصة في اضافة مواضيع جديدة او الرد علي مواضيع وهنالك المكنون فقط للمسجلين فسارع بالانضمام الينا كي تحظي بما أخفي لك ...
.:: منتديات جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري ::.
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

أهلاً وسهلاً بكم في منتديات جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري من أجل التواصل ، والتوادد ، والتعارف ، وتبادل الخبرات وكل ماهو مفيد وجديد ...
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اللهم صل وسلم وبارك علي سيدنا وحبيبنا محمد وعلي اله وصحبه اجمعين
اعضاء وزوار منتديات جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري - السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته - الف مرحباً بكم _ حللتم اهلاً ووطئتم سهلاً...
تم انشاء هذا المنتدي بحمد الله في 14/06/2009 وتم الافتتاح بتوفيق الله سبحانه وتعالي في 11/07/2009
افتتح السيد الرئيس المشيرعمر حسن أحمد البشير الكلية ضمن حفل رسمي وشعبي في يوم 16/7/2005 ، وأمر باعتبارها الكلية التقنية الأنموذج بالســــــــودان .
زهرة حلوة أيها ابتسامة الزائر الكريم ابتسامة بعد التحية والسلام نرحب بك ترحيباً حاراً ونرجو ان تنضم الي كوكبتنا بالتسجيل والدخول لكي تملك جميع رخص الاعضاء والاطلاع علي جميع المواضيع والردود عليها وكتابة مواضيع جديدة ... ولكم منا كل الود والترحاب ... زهرة حلوة
حمل مجانا برامج تصميم الشبكات المائية Support


 حمل مجانا برامج تصميم الشبكات المائية

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عباس عبدالمعروف عباس
نائب المدير العام
نائب المدير العام
عباس عبدالمعروف عباس

عدد المساهمات : 848
ذكر النقاط : 1508
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/07/2009
الاقامة : الدامر / حي الكنوز
حمل مجانا برامج تصميم الشبكات المائية E8s7dt10

حمل مجانا برامج تصميم الشبكات المائية Samp4d10
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مُساهمةموضوع: حمل مجانا برامج تصميم الشبكات المائية   حمل مجانا برامج تصميم الشبكات المائية Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 28, 2009 4:21 pm

حمل مجانا برامج تصميم الشبكات المائية 740034745

ايها الاخوة الكرام هذه المر ة اقدم لكم هذه البرامج الكافية والوافية الذهبية والتي تتحدث عن:-
البرنامج لتصميم الشبكات المائية
حجم البرنامج :1.31 Mb

Civil Engineering Software
Structural engineering
The EngineersToolbox (ETBX)
The EngineersToolbox (ETBX) is an advanced software package for engineering design, analysis, and reference. The current
version of ETBX covers a comprehensive range of engineering specialties, including solid mechanics, dynamics and controls,
fatigue and fracture mechanics, numerical methods, and engineering reference utilities. ETBX combines fundamental equations
with powerful computation and visualization capabilities in a computer-aided engineering environment.
EngiLab Beam!2D
EngiLab Beam!2D™️ is an easy-to-use yet powerful engineering tool for the linear static analysis of plane (2D) frames for Windows. It
features a Full GUI (Graphical User Interface) for pre-processing or post-processing and uses the Finite Element Method (FEM) for
plane frames for its analysis purposes.
EngiLab Rod!2D
EngiLab Rod!2D™️ is a powerful engineering tool for the linear static analysis of plane (2D) trusses for Windows, using a 2-Degrees
of Freedom per node approach. It features a Full GUI (Graphical User Interface) for pre-processing or post-processing and uses the
Finite Element Method (FEM) for plane trusses for its analysis needs.
(US units only) This program will provide the designer with the required pole embedment depth and stress information for his posts.
Great for design of signs or light poles.
Safety Line
(US units only) This program will assist the Engineer or Contractor in the design, analysis and installation of a horizontal safety
cable. The program includes databases for steel cable and connection hardware. The program will provide cable tension, sag, end
reactions and do a check to see if your installation is adequate for the loads.
(Metric and US units) This program will provide shear and warping normal stresses on W,C and Z members. You no longer have to
use the AISC tables when dealing with torsion. Major time saver.
(Metric and US units) This program will provide a weld stress analysis for almost any weld shape that you can imagine. Cut a 30
minute weld design down to 10 seconds. You can draw your own weld shape or pick one of the common shapes from the main
(Metric and US units) Need a quick stability analysis on a retaining wall? Retwall will give you soil bearing loads, analyze the wall
stability, calculate all wall moments, design your rebar and give you design sketches. The program will handle flowing water and
multi-layers of backfill. You can adjust all allowable values to meet whatever code requirements you are tied to.
Structural Tool Box (STB)
(US units only) This program contains several sub programs that the structural engineer uses every day. The functions include a
steel shape database, section property calculator, slenderness K values, minimum weld sizes, bolt edge distances, natural
frequency calculator, concrete mix spec generator, rebar database, units conversion, material weight database, thermal expansion
calculator, wire and sheet ****l gage dimensions.
(US units only) This program will analyze most of the structural connections described in the AISC ASD design manual. It takes the
pain out of connection design.
(Metric and US units) This program will check your column base plates and surface mounted plates. It also does a full check on your
embedded studs or anchor bolts. You can now adjust all the design factors that the program uses, so you can have it work to your
specific code requirements.
(US units only) Have a rigging question? Then you need this program. This program gives you cable, sling and hardware strengths. It
will also give you cable loads based on various rigging configurations. Take your laptop to the field and get the job done!
AISC Shapes
(Metric and US units) This database program provides all the section and dimension properties for steel shapes, based on the 7th,
8th and 9th edition of the AISC steel manual. Great graphics and print capability. Now you'll never say "#$% I have the wrong version
of the manual!".
(Unitless) This program will generate sections properties for almost any shape that you will ever need.
(Metric and US units) This is our most popular program. Analyze single or multiple span beams. Add almost any load combination
you need. You will get shear, moment and deflected shape diagrams. A full AISC ASD code check will be performed against the 9th
edition of the code. Note, the code check will not be performed when Metric units are used, but you will get the stress information.
Get more calculating power for your dollar and turn your calculating minutes into seconds with these 6 Excel spreadsheet
calculation programs for structural applications
(Metric and US units) Need joint reactions on a three member rigid frame? This program will give them to you. The latest version
allows multiple load input.
(US units only) This neat little program provides a large database for all types of bolts and screws. It also will tell you the required
(Metric and US units) Need a moment, reaction, stress or deflection on a circular plate? Then you need this program.
KaderColumn program deals with reinforced concrete tied short columns. It designs columns subjected to up to eleven cases of
loading consisted of axial load and bending moment applied about the maximum principle axis. The program constructs the column
strength interaction diagram (Bending moment-Axial load curve) from the input data of the cross-section and check if all input
cases of loading being within the design curve. If the input data of the cross-section is not sufficient the program increases them
starting from the Min. Roh to the cross-sectional dimensions until all input cases of loading being within the design curve. The
program suggests an arrangement of ties and draws them.
Drainage, Footings
(US units only) This program will calculate your storm run-off, channel capacity, culvert capacity and storm drain capacity.
(Metric and US units) This program will help you design single or adjacent footings, wall footings, spread footings and a lot more.
You can adjust the way the program reviews the data to fit whatever code requirements you are working to.
Wood, Concrete
(US units only) This program will provide reactions, moments and stresses on wood beams and trusses. There is also a complete
database for code checking, glu-lam members, general wood, plywood, fasteners and a lot more. This program is a must for anyone
who builds structures in wood.
(US units only) This program will do almost any type of reinforced concrete design that you can think of.
Wind, snow loads
Calculates wind pressures per ASCE 7-02 "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures" for all types of buildings and
structures. Performs Gust calculations for Rigid and flexible structures, with the gust factor for flexible structures based upon the
natural frequency and damping of the structure. Also calculates the topographic factors and provides a comprehensive list of all
shape factors for the structure and attachments.
MECAWind02 will handle babled, monoslope, hipped, multspan gabled, sawtooth, and stepped roofs.
Different wind directions can be changed easily by re-entering the width and depth of the structure relative to the wind. All force
coefficients are calculated for windward walls, leeward walls, side walls, roof's perpendicular to ridge, roof's parallel to ridge, and
roof overhangs. MECAWind02 also calculates the force coefficients and wind pressures for Components and Cladding, simply by
entering the width, span, and zone for the component.
Calculates wind pressures per ASCE 7-05 "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures" for All types of buildings and
structures. Performs Gust calculations for Rigid and flexible structures, with the gust factor for flexible structures based upon the
natural frequency and damping of the structure. Also calculates the topographic factors and provides a comprehensive list of all
shape factors for the structure and attachments.
MECAWind05 will handle low rise (<= 60 ft) buildings, using either the detailed (Method 2) or the simplified (Method 1) provisions.
MECAWind05 can also be used to calculate wind loads on buildings greater than 60 ft in height.
Different wind directions can be changed easily by re-entering the width and depth of the structure relative to the wind. All force
coefficients are calculated for windward walls, leeward walls, side walls, roof's perpendicular to ridge, roof's parallel to ridge, and
roof overhangs. MECAWind02 also calculates the force coefficients and wind pressures for Components and Cladding, simply by
entering the width, span, and zone for the component.
This program makes the complex ASCE 7-98 wind load analysis simple. ArchWind98 provides much more data output than our
earlier wind load analysis program. This program provides the ability to obtain wind loads for most of the structure types described
in ASCE 7-98.
Archon Snow Loads
(US Units Only) This program makes the complex ASCE-7 snow load analysis simple. This is the second in our series to replace the
old BOCA program. This program gives you your snow loads within seconds, without the hassle of flipping through the code pages.
(English Units Only) Calculates wind pressures per ASCE 7-98 for All types of buildings and structures. Performs all flexible
structure calculations for the gust factor based upon the natural frequency of the structure. Also calculates the topographic factors
and provides a comprehensive list of all shape factors for the structure and attachments.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
.:: الإدارة العامة للمنتدي ::.
.:: الإدارة العامة للمنتدي ::.

عدد المساهمات : 3139
ذكر النقاط : 5401
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/06/2009
الاقامة : الدامر / حي الكنوز
حمل مجانا برامج تصميم الشبكات المائية E8s7dt10

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الاوسمة حمل مجانا برامج تصميم الشبكات المائية 6510

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صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
.:: منتديات جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري ::. :: اقسام الكلية التقنية :: قسم الهندسة المدنية-
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» .:: مكتبة نفيسة جداً في كل التخصصات ::.
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المواضيع الأكثر نشاطاً
مشروع تخرجي
كتب تكييف وتبريد بالعربي رووووووووعة
سجل دخولك بالصلاة علي الحبيب
ضع أي سؤال في الهندسة الكهربائية وسنأتيك بالاجابة ان شاء الله
موسوعة النساء والتوليد
حاج الماحي مادح الحبيب
برنامج لتقوية وتنقية صوت الحاسوب الي 10 اضعاف
موسوعة الخلفاء عبر التاريخ الاسلامي
هنا نتقبل التعازي في وفاة العضو بالمنتدي محمد حامد (ودالابيض)
شاركوني فرحة النجاح!!
المواضيع الأكثر شعبية
أنواع التربة
الكتاب الشامل في الموقع(تم اعدادة من اكثر من 40 كتاب واكثر من 80 مشاركه )
حمل مجانا برنامج المصحف صوت وصورة للموبايل
ادخل هنا للاطلاع علي جميع الوظائف المعلنة
ملف كامل عن ضواغط التبريد
موقع رائع فى زراعة البطاطس
صيغ C.V مهمة للخريجين
مواقع الوظـــائــف الشــاغـرة
كتب تكييف وتبريد بالعربي رووووووووعة
الاحصاء الطبي في الويكيبيديا
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